• Holiday deals and sales on Felting needles, needle felting pads and felting needle holders

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MC-1 Wool Felting Batts

From U.S. Farms, with love


with love

by you

Needle felt fun projects!

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Welcome to Living Felt

Whether you are shopping with us in person, by phone, or browsing online, our goal is to help you make great felt with fun, confidence and support!

Everything we do starts with love and good wishes for an inspired, fun and creative experience while making really cool things with sheep's wool. We carry an extensive range of wool, fibers, tools, supplies and kits to support your exploration of art and craft through needle felting, wet felting and nuno felting.

Our staff is available and ready to assist with your questions to make sure you choose the right wool, fibers and supplies for your felting projects, and classes. We can help you choose colors, select the best fibers for the desired project, and help make sure you have all the tools you need when you are ready to begin your next felting project. If you need assistance at any time, give us a call, drop us a line via our contact us page, or come on by when you're in town. Bring a show-n-tell if you come in! We love to see what you are up to!

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