We Love Teachers! And we are very passionate about helping you teach the art and craft of felting!
We have lots of projects that cater to teaching wet felting and needle felting for all age groups.
If you teach K-12, make sure to sign up for our Art Educators Newsletter below.

Brooke Lucy's annual 2nd grade felting pics
always make us smile!

This happy gal one a ribbon for her fulled
and needle felted wool sweater!

Little hands wet felting with the help of prefelts!
This was a fun "crafternoon" during an afterschool
program at the library!
This was a fun "crafternoon" during an afterschool
program at the library!

Elementary students learn to needle felting
while creating symbols of Peace and Unity
with our Unity Felt Mural Project.

This young man was quite happy with his
wet felted bow-tie. Made in art class.

All ages come together to learn needle felting at Maker's Faire

5th Grade Journal Covers, wet felted and hand stitched

UT Students get an intro to wet felting

Happy as can be to have made their own handmade fabric through wet felting