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Needle Felting Supplies
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Felting Needles
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Needle Felting for Beginners Guide
Needle Felting Patterns PDF
Shape Makers Tools
Wet Felting Supplies
Wet Felting Tools
Wet Felting & Nuno Felting Tutorials
Wet Felting Kits
Wet & Nuno Felting Scarf Kits
Sari Bazaar
Silk Scarves & Fabric
Core Wool 26 - 29 microns
MC-1 Felting Batts 25 microns
Flesh or Skin Tone Wool Batting
Maori Batts 27 microns
Bergschaf Batts 33 microns
NZ Corriedale Wool 27-30 micron
Merino Top 18-19 microns
Merino Top 16 microns
Short Fiber Merino Batts 19 microns
Prefelt 19-26 microns
Decadence Blends
Merino Silk Blends 19-22 microns
Goody Bags & Studio Packs
Specialty Designer Packs
Exotics & Other Fibers
Hot Tones
Pinks & Purples
Earth Tones
Undyed, Natural
Effect Fibers
Wool Nepps
Angelina Fiber
Viscose Top
Sari Silk Waste
Sari Silk Sliver
Silk Hankies
Tussah Silk Fiber
Bamboo Top
Locks - Wool & Mohair
Felt & Fabric
Wool Felt 8x12 Sheets
Wool Felt Fabric Yardage
Linen Fabric
Fiber Wash
Fiber Carding Tools
Glass Eyes
Armature Wire
Cyanotype Printing
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Felting Workshops - Online
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Needle Felt
Felting Needles
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Needle Felting Pads
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Wholesale Needles & Foam
Needle Felting for Beginners Guide
Wet Felt
Wet Felting Tools
All Silk Scarves & Fabric
Wet Felting Kits ALL
Silks: Gauze / Chiffon
Wet & Nuno Felt Scarf Kits
Silks: Pongee / Habotai
Wet Felting Patterns
Core Wool
26-29 microns
Merino Top
16 microns
Specialty Designer Packs
MC-1 Wool
25 microns
Merino Top
18-19 microns
Exotics & Other Fibers
NZ Corriedale
27+ microns
Short Fiber Merino
19 microns
19-26 microns
Maori Batts
27 microns
Bergschaf Batts
33 microns
Merino-Silk Blends
Effect Fibers
Wool & Mohair Locks
Wool Nepps
Bamboo Top
Silk Hankies
Sari Silk Sliver
Tussah Silk Top
Sari Silk Waste
Viscose Top
Angelina Fiber
Felt & Fabric
Sari Bazaar: Fabrics & Yarn
Silk Fabrics and Scarves
Silks: Gauze / Chiffon
Silks: Pongee / Habotai
Wool Felt 8x12 Sheets
Wool Felt Yardage
Linen Fabric
Wash & Rinse
Dye Fiber & Fabric
Card & Blend
Spin Yarn
All Craft Items
Armature Wire
Glass Eyes
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Shape Makers Tools
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Category Index
Living Felt - Felting Supplies - Category Index
Armature Wire
Cyanotype Printing
Glass Eyes
Notions & General Craft
Effect Fibers
Angelina Fiber
Bamboo Top
Locks - Wool & Mohair
Sari Silk Sliver
Sari Silk Waste
Silk Hankies
Tussah Silk Fiber
Viscose Top
Wool Nepps
Felt & Fabric
Linen Fabric
Wool Felt 8x12 Sheets
Wool Felt Fabric Yardage
Gift Certificates
Living Felt Gear & Fun Stuff
Digital Video Library
2019 Episodes
How To Stiffen Wool Felt
Needle Felt a Fall Tree with Fiber Mish Mosh
Needle Felt Boo Kitty Bag
Needle Felt Full Moon Kitty
Needle Felt Ice Skater Ornament
Needle Felt I'll Be Gnome for Christmas Pillow
Needle Felt Mason Jar Lid Ornaments
Needle Felt Picture: Cozy Neighbor Winter Scene
Needle Felt Pumpkin House
Needle Felt Pumpkin Spice Table Linens
Needle Felting Gnome for the Holidays!
Nuno Felt Cowl
Wet Felt Autumn Leaf Bowl
Wet Felt Christmas Stocking
Wet Felt Night Owl
Wet Felt Pumpkin
2020 Episodes
Fabrics To Needle Felt Onto
Hand Stitch Felt Applique: Felting, Freezer Paper, & Hand Stitching
Journal Making with Handmade Felt Fabric
Microwave Dye Silk Scarves & Fabric
Mixed Media Gift Ideas: Mini Prayer Flags, Brooches, Pins
Needle Felt Barn Owl Ornament
Needle Felt Fantasy Butterflies
Needle Felt Germs
Needle Felt Holiday Banner & Flag
Needle Felt Home For The Holidays Plaque or Pillow
Needle Felt Koala Mates
Needle Felt Picture: English Countryside
Needle Felt Picture: Hobbit House
Needle Felt Picture: Lavender Fields France
Needle Felt Picture: Mushrooms
Needle Felt Picture: Santorini, Greece
Needle Felt Pie Pin Cushion
Needle Felt Short and Long Animal Fur
Needle Felt Thankful Pillow Cover
Needle Felt Valentine Keepsake Greeting Card
Needle Felt WAFFA Birds
Needle Felt Wild & Wooly Christmas Trees
Silk Paper for Felting
Special Guest Anna Repke: Felt Landscapes
Wet Felt a Grab-n-Go Beanie
Wet Felt a Mosaic Felt Fabric
Wet Felt a Simply Striking Fire Bowl
Wet Felt Artful Fabric
Wet Felt Flowers: Poppy
Wet Felt Flowers: Ranunculus
Wet Felt Your Own Prefelt
Wet Felting Q&A: Tools Run Down, Shrinkage, & More
2021 Episodes
Beginner Wet Felt Project
Card Wool for Felting: Drum Carder, Hand Carder & Blending Board
Christmas Trio - Needle Felt Zipper Ornaments & Pins
Felting Studio: Wool Storage & Spring Cleaning
Handmade Felt Greeting Cards
Hello Pumpkin
Holiday Jingles for Felted Ornaments
Needle Felt 2D Animal Portraits Q&A
Needle Felt 2D Landscapes Q&A
Needle Felt Angel Tree Topper
Needle Felt Bear with Fur
Needle Felt Bunnies from Easter Eggs
Needle Felt Cozy Christmas Ornaments
Needle Felt Easter Eggs
Needle Felt Gnome - Ginger Beard
Needle Felt Jellyfish
Needle Felt Lavender Sachet
Needle Felt Long Fur: Spots & Stripes
Needle Felt Narwhals with Amy Wright Long
Needle Felt Picture: Beach Huts
Needle Felt String Jointed Bear
Needle Felt Waldorf Doll - Bee Fairy
Needle Felting Bunny Faces
NF Fall Pins
NF Raccoon - Mr Fiddles
NF Witch Doll - Waldorf Style
Pumpkin Talk - Gnome Pillow
Quilt-As-You-Go Lined Zipper Pouch
Special Guest Charity van der Meer: Felt Wearables
Special Guest Dawn Edwards: Felt Hats Inteview
Special Guest Irina Hughes: Realistic Elephant
Special Guest Irina Hughes: Realistic Needle Felt Animals
Special Guest Laura Ricks: Upward Gaze and Redbud Reflections
Waldorf Ballerina Ornament
Wet Felt Artful Felt Heart Garland
Wet Felt Easter Eggs
Wet Felt Scrap Busters DIY Felt Valentine
Wet Felting Fall Fun
2022 Episodes
Art Batt Carding Party!
Best Tools for 3-D Needle Felting - Besides Needles!
BFF Show and Tells!
DIY Fortune Cookies from Artful Felt
Felt Wild-n-Wooly Flowers
Felting Needles Explained & Felt vs. Prefelt
Handmade Felt OMBRE Effect
Live Birthday Party
Make Wire Bird Feet for Felted Birds
Needle Felt "Feathers"
Needle Felt a 3D Bird
Needle Felt a Sandpiper
Needle Felt Fantasy Mushrooms
Needle Felt Gnome - Beach Gnomes
Needle Felt Tutorial: Needle Felt Faces & Selfies
Needle Felt Tutorial: Red Cabin in Snow Globe Winter Landscape
Needle Felting a Mouse Ornament
Needle Felting a Twiggy Reindeer
Needle Felting a Woodsy Owl
Needle Felting Tools - Part 1
Needle Felting Tutorial: 2D Landscape Hidden Lake
Needle Felting Tutorial: Mini 2D Landscape Hidden Lake
Nuno Felting Tutorial: DIY Nuno Felt Pillows
Special Guest: Charity van der Meer
Special Guest: Eszter Baba
Special Guest: Jun Yamaguchi
Special Guest: Kimberly Czar
Special Guest: Kimberly Pulli
Special Guest: Laura Ricks
Special Guest: Natasha Smart
Special Guest: Patti Barker
Special Guest: Sonja Oswalt
Wet Felt Paper Thin Fabric
Wet Felting Tutorial: Draw String Bag
Wool For Felting - How to Choose
2023 Episodes
Alpaca Ranch Field Trip Part 2: Shearing Day!
Alpaca Ranch Field Trip!
Best Colors and Blends for Needle Felting Realistic Fur and Hair
Drum Carding an Art Batt
Felting Firm: The Importance of Density in 3D Needle Felting with Kimberly Czar of Czar Design
How to Make Holiday Cup Cozies - Free Felting Tutorial
LF LIVE Birthday Party!
LIVE HANG Needle Felting Fun: Felt & Fabric Acorns
LIVE HANG: Felting with Stencils!
LIVE HANG: Ideas for Selling Your 2D Felt Art!
Needle Felt Tutorial: 3D Colorful Mini "WAFFA" Birds
Needle Felting a Mushroom House onto a Wet Felted Blended Background
Needle Felting Tutorial - Grazy Days: Layered Landscape
Needle Felting Tutorial: Christmas Cactus with Fairy Kayla!
Needle Felting Tutorial: Fall Garland with Joyce Hazelrig
Needle Felting Tutorial: Fantasy Butterflies
Needle Felting Tutorial: Forest Friends
Needle Felting Tutorial: Little Saint Nick - Miniature Santa Doll
Needle Felting Tutorial: Needle Felting Bowls
Needle Felting Tutorial: Pan People with Joyce Hazelrig
Needle Felting Tutorial: Sweetheart Peppermint with Fairy Jordyn!
Octo-Party Live Hang with Helen Russell!
Sampling for Success: Sample Vessels
Storing Wool: Charity van der Meer Studio Tour!
Storing Wool: Laura Ricks Studio Tour!
Storing Wool: Natasha Smart Studio Tour!
Upcycled 2D Mixed Media Felt Applique
Wet Felting A Blended Canvas Background
Wet Felting Tutorial: Bookmarks and Book Corners
Wet Felting Tutorial: Making Your Own Prefelt
Wet Felting Tutorial: Night Owl Night Light
Wet Felting Tutorial: Roll & Scroll Scarf
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felt an Octopus Designed by Helen Russell
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felted Wrist Cuffs
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felting a Cracked Mud Vessel
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felting a Friendship Vessel
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felting a Heart Dangler
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felting Hurricane Candle Holders
2024 Episodes
2024 Kickoff - LIVE
Art Yarns Single & Core Spinning with Joyce Hazlerig
Beginner Needle Felt Landscape Tutorial - Rustic Fall Barn
Beginner Wet Felting Clothes Tutorial: Control Shrinkage using Fiber Layout with Charity van der Meer
Felting a Celebration Chameleon with Laura Ricks
How to Core Spin Treasure Art Yarns from Scraps with Joyce Hazlerig: Spin Chunky, Fun and Funky Art Yarns!
How to Frame Felted Pictures w/ Guest Helen Russell - Tips & Tricks from a Professional Framer
Interview with Special Guest Helen Russell! - New Teacher to FeltingTutorials.com!
Learn How to Make an Art Batt on a Drum Carder with Marie Spaulding & Natasha Smart #livingfelt
LIVE Hang: 20th Birthday Bash Lookback & Look Ahead!
LIVE Hang: 20th Birthday Bash Preview and Look Ahead
LIVE Hang: Wet Felting Over a Resist Tutorial
Needle Felt Valentine Beads, Puffy Hearts, Garlands, Cookie Cutter Hearts, & More!
Needle Felting a Jack O' Lantern Tutorial
Needle Felting Tutorial: Easter Eggs
Needle Felting Tutorial: Fairytale Pumpkins
Needle Felting Tutorial: Polar Friends
Special Guest Irina Egorova - Needle Felt Artist & Master Class Teacher
The Making of a Special 2D Needle Felt Landscape with Guest Noelle Russow #LivingFelt
Top 12 Tips for Wet Felting Over a Resist
Ultimate Felting Holiday Special & Prize Giveaway!
Wet Felting a Leaf Boa Scarf with Patti Barker
Fall Episodes
Felt Wild-n-Wooly Flowers
Hello Pumpkin
How to Make Holiday Cup Cozies - Free Felting Tutorial
LIVE HANG Needle Felting Fun: Felt & Fabric Acorns
Needle Felt a Fall Tree with Fiber Mish Mosh
Needle Felt Boo Kitty Bag
Needle Felt Full Moon Kitty
Needle Felt Gnome - Ginger Beard
Needle Felt Pumpkin House
Needle Felt Pumpkin Spice Table Linens
Needle Felt Thankful Pillow Cover
Needle Felting a Woodsy Owl
Needle Felting Fantasy Owls
Needle Felting Tutorial: Fall Garland with Joyce Hazelrig
Needle Felting Tutorial: Forest Friends
Needle Felting Tutorial: Pan People with Joyce Hazelrig
NF Fall Pins
NF Raccoon - Mr. Fiddles
NF Witch Doll - Waldorf Style
Pumpkin Talk - Gnome Pillow
Wet Felt Autumn Leaf Bowl
Wet Felt Pumpkin
Wet Felting Fall Fun
Spring/Summer Episodes
Felt Wild-n-Wooly Flowers
Felting Studio: Wool Storage & Spring Cleaning
Handmade Felt OMBRE Effect
Needle Felt a Sandpiper
Needle Felt Bunnies from Easter Eggs
Needle Felt Easter Eggs
Needle Felt Fantasy Butterflies
Needle Felt Fantasy Mushrooms
Needle Felt Gnome - Beach Gnomes
Needle Felt Jellyfish
Needle Felt Lavender Sachet
Needle Felt Picture: Beach Huts
Needle Felt Picture: English Countryside
Needle Felt Picture: Hobbit House
Needle Felt Picture: Lavender Fields France
Needle Felt Picture: Mushrooms
Needle Felt Picture: Santorini, Greece
Needle Felt Tutorial: 3D Colorful Mini "WAFFA" Birds
Needle Felt Valentine Keepsake Greeting Card
Needle Felt WAFFA Birds
Needle Felt Waldorf Doll - Bee Fairy
Needle Felting a Mushroom House onto a Wet Felted Blended Background
Needle Felting Bunny Faces
Needle Felting Tutorial: 2D Landscape Hidden Lake
Needle Felting Tutorial: Fantasy Butterflies
Needle Felting Tutorial: Mini 2D Landscape Hidden Lake
Octo-Party Live Hang with Helen Russell!
Wet Felt Artful Felt Heart Garland
Wet Felt Flowers: Poppy
Wet Felt Flowers: Ranunculus
Wet Felt Scrap Busters DIY Felt Valentine
Wet Felting A Blended Canvas Background
Wet Felting Tutorial: Draw String Bag
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felt an Octopus Designed by Helen Russell
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felting a Heart Dangler
Winter Episodes
Christmas Trio - Needle Felt Zipper Ornaments & Pins
Holiday Jingles for Felted Ornaments
How to Make Holiday Cup Cozies - Free Felting Tutorial
Needle Felt Angel Tree Topper
Needle Felt Barn Owl Ornament
Needle Felt Cozy Christmas Ornaments
Needle Felt Holiday Banner & Flag
Needle Felt Home For The Holidays Plaque or Pillow
Needle Felt Ice Skater Ornament
Needle Felt I'll Be Gnome for Christmas Pillow
Needle Felt Mason Jar Lid Ornaments
Needle Felt Picture: Cozy Neighbor Winter Scene
Needle Felt Tutorial: Red Cabin in Snow Globe Winter Landscape
Needle Felt Wild & Wooly Christmas Trees
Needle Felting a Mouse Ornament
Needle Felting a Twiggy Reindeer
Needle Felting a Woodsy Owl
Needle Felting Gnome for the Holidays!
Needle Felting Tutorial: Christmas Cactus with Fairy Kayla!
Needle Felting Tutorial: Little Saint Nick - Miniature Santa Doll
Needle Felting Tutorial: Sweetheart Peppermint with Fairy Jordyn!
NF Raccoon - Mr. Fiddles
Waldorf Ballerina Ornament
Wet Felt Christmas Stocking
Wet Felting Tutorial: Night Owl Night Light
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felting Hurricane Candle Holders
Felting Workshops - Online
Wooly Wednesday Episodes & Tutorials
2019 Episodes
How To Stiffen Wool Felt
Needle Felt a Fall Tree with Fiber Mish Mosh
Needle Felt Boo Kitty Bag
Needle Felt Full Moon Kitty
Needle Felt Ice Skater Ornament
Needle Felt I'll Be Gnome for Christmas Pillow
Needle Felt Mason Jar Lid Ornaments
Needle Felt Picture: Cozy Neighbor Winter Scene
Needle Felt Pumpkin House
Needle Felt Pumpkin Spice Table Linens
Needle Felting Gnome for the Holidays!
Nuno Felt Cowl
Wet Felt Autumn Leaf Bowl
Wet Felt Christmas Stocking
Wet Felt Night Owl
Wet Felt Pumpkin
2020 Episodes
Fabrics To Needle Felt Onto
Hand Stitch Felt Applique: Felting, Freezer Paper, & Hand Stitching
Journal Making with Handmade Felt Fabric
Microwave Dye Silk Scarves & Fabric
Mixed Media Gift Ideas: Mini Prayer Flags, Brooches, Pins
Needle Felt Barn Owl Ornament
Needle Felt Fantasy Butterflies
Needle Felt Germs
Needle Felt Holiday Banner & Flag
Needle Felt Home For The Holidays Plaque or Pillow
Needle Felt Koala Mates
Needle Felt Picture: English Countryside
Needle Felt Picture: Hobbit House
Needle Felt Picture: Lavender Fields France
Needle Felt Picture: Mushrooms
Needle Felt Picture: Santorini, Greece
Needle Felt Pie Pin Cushion
Needle Felt Short and Long Animal Fur
Needle Felt Thankful Pillow Cover
Needle Felt Valentine Keepsake Greeting Card
Needle Felt WAFFA Birds
Needle Felt Wild & Wooly Christmas Trees
Silk Paper for Felting
Special Guest Anna Repke: Felt Landscapes
Wet Felt a Grab-n-Go Beanie
Wet Felt a Mosaic Felt Fabric
Wet Felt a Simply Striking Fire Bowl
Wet Felt Artful Fabric
Wet Felt Flowers: Poppy
Wet Felt Flowers: Ranunculus
Wet Felt Your Own Prefelt
Wet Felting Q&A: Tools Run Down, Shrinkage, & More
2021 Episodes
Beginner Wet Felt Project
Card Wool for Felting: Drum Carder, Hand Carder & Blending Board
Christmas Trio - Needle Felt Zipper Ornaments & Pins
Felting Studio: Wool Storage & Spring Cleaning
Handmade Felt Greeting Cards
Hello Pumpkin
Holiday Jingles for Felted Ornaments
Needle Felt 2D Animal Portraits Q&A
Needle Felt 2D Landscapes Q&A
Needle Felt Angel Tree Topper
Needle Felt Bear with Fur
Needle Felt Bunnies from Easter Eggs
Needle Felt Cozy Christmas Ornaments
Needle Felt Easter Eggs
Needle Felt Gnome - Ginger Beard
Needle Felt Jellyfish
Needle Felt Lavender Sachet
Needle Felt Long Fur: Spots & Stripes
Needle Felt Narwhals with Amy Wright Long
Needle Felt Picture: Beach Huts
Needle Felt String Jointed Bear
Needle Felt Waldorf Doll - Bee Fairy
Needle Felting Bunny Faces
NF Fall Pins
NF Raccoon - Mr Fiddles
NF Witch Doll - Waldorf Style
Pumpkin Talk - Gnome Pillow
Quilt-As-You-Go Lined Zipper Pouch
Special Guest Charity van der Meer: Felt Wearables
Special Guest Dawn Edwards: Felt Hats Inteview
Special Guest Irina Hughes: Realistic Elephant
Special Guest Irina Hughes: Realistic Needle Felt Animals
Special Guest Laura Ricks: Upward Gaze and Redbud Reflections
Waldorf Ballerina Ornament
Wet Felt Artful Felt Heart Garland
Wet Felt Easter Eggs
Wet Felt Scrap Busters DIY Felt Valentine
Wet Felting Fall Fun
2022 Episodes
Art Batt Carding Party!
Best Tools for 3-D Needle Felting - Besides Needles!
BFF Show and Tells!
DIY Fortune Cookies from Artful Felt
Felt Wild-n-Wooly Flowers
Felting Needles Explained & Felt vs. Prefelt
Handmade Felt OMBRE Effect
Live Birthday Party
Make Wire Bird Feet for Felted Birds
Needle Felt "Feathers"
Needle Felt a 3D Bird
Needle Felt a Sandpiper
Needle Felt Fantasy Mushrooms
Needle Felt Gnome - Beach Gnomes
Needle Felt Tutorial: Needle Felt Faces & Selfies
Needle Felt Tutorial: Red Cabin in Snow Globe Winter Landscape
Needle Felting a Mouse Ornament
Needle Felting a Twiggy Reindeer
Needle Felting a Woodsy Owl
Needle Felting Tools - Part 1
Needle Felting Tutorial: 2D Landscape Hidden Lake
Needle Felting Tutorial: Mini 2D Landscape Hidden Lake
Nuno Felting Tutorial: DIY Nuno Felt Pillows
Special Guest: Charity van der Meer
Special Guest: Eszter Baba
Special Guest: Jun Yamaguchi
Special Guest: Kimberly Czar
Special Guest: Kimberly Pulli
Special Guest: Laura Ricks
Special Guest: Natasha Smart
Special Guest: Patti Barker
Special Guest: Sonja Oswalt
Wet Felt Paper Thin Fabric
Wet Felting Tutorial: Draw String Bag
Wool For Felting - How to Choose
2023 Episodes
Alpaca Ranch Field Trip Part 2: Shearing Day!
Alpaca Ranch Field Trip!
Best Colors and Blends for Needle Felting Realistic Fur and Hair
Drum Carding an Art Batt
Felting Firm: The Importance of Density in 3D Needle Felting with Kimberly Czar of Czar Design
How to Make Holiday Cup Cozies - Free Felting Tutorial
LF LIVE Birthday Party!
LIVE HANG Needle Felting Fun: Felt & Fabric Acorns
LIVE HANG: Felting with Stencils!
LIVE HANG: Ideas for Selling Your 2D Felt Art!
Needle Felt Tutorial: 3D Colorful Mini "WAFFA" Birds
Needle Felting a Mushroom House onto a Wet Felted Blended Background
Needle Felting Tutorial - Grazy Days: Layered Landscape
Needle Felting Tutorial: Christmas Cactus with Fairy Kayla!
Needle Felting Tutorial: Fall Garland with Joyce Hazelrig
Needle Felting Tutorial: Fantasy Butterflies
Needle Felting Tutorial: Forest Friends
Needle Felting Tutorial: Little Saint Nick - Miniature Santa Doll
Needle Felting Tutorial: Needle Felting Bowls
Needle Felting Tutorial: Pan People with Joyce Hazelrig
Needle Felting Tutorial: Sweetheart Peppermint with Fairy Jordyn!
Octo-Party Live Hang with Helen Russell!
Sampling for Success: Sample Vessels
Storing Wool: Charity van der Meer Studio Tour!
Storing Wool: Laura Ricks Studio Tour!
Storing Wool: Natasha Smart Studio Tour!
Upcycled 2D Mixed Media Felt Applique
Wet Felting A Blended Canvas Background
Wet Felting Tutorial: Bookmarks and Book Corners
Wet Felting Tutorial: Making Your Own Prefelt
Wet Felting Tutorial: Night Owl Night Light
Wet Felting Tutorial: Roll & Scroll Scarf
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felt an Octopus Designed by Helen Russell
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felted Wrist Cuffs
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felting a Cracked Mud Vessel
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felting a Friendship Vessel
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felting a Heart Dangler
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felting Hurricane Candle Holders
2024 Episodes
2024 Kickoff - LIVE
Art Yarns Single & Core Spinning with Joyce Hazlerig
Beginner Needle Felt Landscape Tutorial - Rustic Fall Barn
Beginner Wet Felting Clothes Tutorial: Control Shrinkage using Fiber Layout with Charity van der Meer
Felting a Celebration Chameleon with Laura Ricks
How to Core Spin Treasure Art Yarns from Scraps with Joyce Hazlerig: Spin Chunky, Fun and Funky Art Yarns!
How to Frame Felted Pictures w/ Guest Helen Russell - Tips & Tricks from a Professional Framer
Interview with Special Guest Helen Russell! - New Teacher to FeltingTutorials.com!
Learn How to Make an Art Batt on a Drum Carder with Marie Spaulding & Natasha Smart #livingfelt
LIVE Hang: 20th Birthday Bash Lookback & Look Ahead!
LIVE Hang: 20th Birthday Bash Preview and Look Ahead
LIVE Hang: Wet Felting Over a Resist Tutorial
Needle Felt Valentine Beads, Puffy Hearts, Garlands, Cookie Cutter Hearts, & More!
Needle Felting a Jack O' Lantern Tutorial
Needle Felting Tutorial: Easter Eggs
Needle Felting Tutorial: Fairytale Pumpkins
Needle Felting Tutorial: Polar Friends
Special Guest Irina Egorova - Needle Felt Artist & Master Class Teacher
The Making of a Special 2D Needle Felt Landscape with Guest Noelle Russow #LivingFelt
Top 12 Tips for Wet Felting Over a Resist
Ultimate Felting Holiday Special & Prize Giveaway!
Wet Felting a Leaf Boa Scarf with Patti Barker
2025 Episodes
Beginner Needle Felting Pictures Tutorial
Needle Felt Tutorial: Love Gnomes
Needle Felt Tutorial: SWOON-WORTHY Valentine Hearts
Fall Episodes
Felt Wild-n-Wooly Flowers
Hello Pumpkin
How to Make Holiday Cup Cozies - Free Felting Tutorial
LIVE HANG Needle Felting Fun: Felt & Fabric Acorns
Needle Felt a Fall Tree with Fiber Mish Mosh
Needle Felt Boo Kitty Bag
Needle Felt Full Moon Kitty
Needle Felt Gnome - Ginger Beard
Needle Felt Pumpkin House
Needle Felt Pumpkin Spice Table Linens
Needle Felt Thankful Pillow Cover
Needle Felting a Woodsy Owl
Needle Felting Fantasy Owls
Needle Felting Tutorial: Fall Garland with Joyce Hazelrig
Needle Felting Tutorial: Forest Friends
Needle Felting Tutorial: Pan People with Joyce Hazelrig
NF Fall Pins
NF Raccoon - Mr. Fiddles
NF Witch Doll - Waldorf Style
Pumpkin Talk - Gnome Pillow
Wet Felt Autumn Leaf Bowl
Wet Felt Pumpkin
Wet Felting Fall Fun
Spring/Summer Episodes
Felt Wild-n-Wooly Flowers
Felting Studio: Wool Storage & Spring Cleaning
Handmade Felt OMBRE Effect
Needle Felt a Sandpiper
Needle Felt Bunnies from Easter Eggs
Needle Felt Easter Eggs
Needle Felt Fantasy Butterflies
Needle Felt Fantasy Mushrooms
Needle Felt Gnome - Beach Gnomes
Needle Felt Jellyfish
Needle Felt Lavender Sachet
Needle Felt Picture: Beach Huts
Needle Felt Picture: English Countryside
Needle Felt Picture: Hobbit House
Needle Felt Picture: Lavender Fields France
Needle Felt Picture: Mushrooms
Needle Felt Picture: Santorini, Greece
Needle Felt Tutorial: 3D Colorful Mini "WAFFA" Birds
Needle Felt Valentine Keepsake Greeting Card
Needle Felt WAFFA Birds
Needle Felt Waldorf Doll - Bee Fairy
Needle Felting a Mushroom House onto a Wet Felted Blended Background
Needle Felting Bunny Faces
Needle Felting Tutorial: 2D Landscape Hidden Lake
Needle Felting Tutorial: Fantasy Butterflies
Needle Felting Tutorial: Mini 2D Landscape Hidden Lake
Octo-Party Live Hang with Helen Russell!
Wet Felt Artful Felt Heart Garland
Wet Felt Flowers: Poppy
Wet Felt Flowers: Ranunculus
Wet Felt Scrap Busters DIY Felt Valentine
Wet Felting A Blended Canvas Background
Wet Felting Tutorial: Draw String Bag
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felt an Octopus Designed by Helen Russell
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felting a Heart Dangler
Winter Episodes
Christmas Trio - Needle Felt Zipper Ornaments & Pins
Holiday Jingles for Felted Ornaments
How to Make Holiday Cup Cozies - Free Felting Tutorial
Needle Felt Angel Tree Topper
Needle Felt Barn Owl Ornament
Needle Felt Cozy Christmas Ornaments
Needle Felt Holiday Banner & Flag
Needle Felt Home For The Holidays Plaque or Pillow
Needle Felt Ice Skater Ornament
Needle Felt I'll Be Gnome for Christmas Pillow
Needle Felt Mason Jar Lid Ornaments
Needle Felt Picture: Cozy Neighbor Winter Scene
Needle Felt Tutorial: Red Cabin in Snow Globe Winter Landscape
Needle Felt Wild & Wooly Christmas Trees
Needle Felting a Mouse Ornament
Needle Felting a Twiggy Reindeer
Needle Felting a Woodsy Owl
Needle Felting Gnome for the Holidays!
Needle Felting Tutorial: Christmas Cactus with Fairy Kayla!
Needle Felting Tutorial: Little Saint Nick - Miniature Santa Doll
Needle Felting Tutorial: Sweetheart Peppermint with Fairy Jordyn!
NF Raccoon - Mr. Fiddles
Waldorf Ballerina Ornament
Wet Felt Christmas Stocking
Wet Felting Tutorial: Night Owl Night Light
Wet Felting Tutorial: Wet Felting Hurricane Candle Holders
Needle Felting Supplies
Felting Needles
Needle Felting Pads & Foam
WOW Needle Felting Pads
Needle Felting for Beginners Guide
2D Needle Felting for Beginners
3D Needle Felting for Beginners
Needle Felting Kits
2D Needle Felting Kits
Needle Felting Animal Kits
Needle Felting Beginner Kits
Needle Felting Patterns PDF
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Bergschaf Batts 33 microns
Core Wool 26 - 29 microns
Decadence Blends
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Goody Bags & Studio Packs
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Maori Batts 27 microns
MC-1 Felting Batts 25 microns
Merino Silk Blends 19-22 microns
Merino Top 16 microns
Merino Top 18-19 microns
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