Interview with Special Guest Helen Russell! - New Teacher to!
Set your alarms for this week's Wooly Wednesday!
Join Marie as she chats with Helen Russell ( @HRFeltnStuff )
Helen is an amazing and diverse felter and artist - just take a peek at a sampling of her work on this post! WOW!
A few weeks ago, she shared her tips and insights for framing felted art and this week she is back to chat about her new course and all things felting!
Her new Felting Tutorials Course - AUTUMN CREEK - launches this Friday, 5/17/24.
Follow along with Helen on this felting forest hike, where you can choose to stay on the path with every rock, tree, leaf, and water ripple or venture a little on your own – experimenting with color, light, and composition throughout this beautiful woodland landscape!
Watch the Wooly Wednesday about Framing here
Enroll in Helen Russell's Autumn Creek Course here