Wool For Felting - How to Choose
What wool is best for felting? Are you needle felting or wet felting?
Are you have difficulty choosing which wool or fiber will work best for your project?
We will help you make sense of the different types of wool available for felting,
and share some other fibers you might consider as well.
We are often asked "if" a particular wool will felt, or if a particular fiber can be needle felted or wet felted
and our goal is to help you see how a variety of wools felt so you know what to choose for your next felting project.
In this live show, Marie Spaulding bring a variety of types of wool for felting,
along with other fibers used for embellishments.
We will also look at a variety of projects using the fibers so you can see
how they look when wet felted and how they look when needle felted.