Upward Gaze - Laura Ricks
Master of felted landscapes, Laura Ricks is here to bring us another wonderful 2D felted landscape Upward Gaze! Join Laura as she expertly uses color, pattern, and texture to evoke the beauty of nature in this landscape piece.
You may select a curated kit for or shop this suggested list of fibers. You can jump to the relevant category and shop from there.
On this page, you will find the supplies for the Upward Gaze with Laura Ricks.
Per the supply list, Laura is suggesting:
-Merino Prefelt or Light Prefelt in White or other neutral color
-Merino Top in the following colors:
- Hydrangea
- Mist
- Ebony
- Sand Dollar
- Beaver
- Coffee Bean
- Lily White
-MC-1 in Bonsai, Shire and True Olive
*If out of stock in Bonsai, hand blend Spruce with Lemongrass or Shire
-Silk Hankies in Glacier and Kiwi
-Heat'n'Bond Light Fusible Interface
-Felting Needles 42 Triangle
-Needle Felting Pad at least 12x12
-Olive Oil Soap
-Nuno Bubble
-Thin Plastic Sheeting
-Palm Washboard (optional)
For any other tools or guidance suggested by the instructor, download the supplies list in the course.
*If you have stumbled across this supply list page and have not enrolled in this class, you can access this tutorial by viewing the steps below.
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Option 2)
Visit the Upward Gaze Course Page and Click the Enroll Button
Proceed to Check out
After enrolling, you will receive an email with a link to the course.
However you can view the tutorial after logging in by going to your Dashboard
and clicking on the course icon under My Courses