This tool was created as a personal tool by Marie Spaulding for the purpose of creating patterns for wet felting and Nuno felting. This is the first draft of a living document, modifications are expected.
*In order to use this, you must be familiar with Excel. We are open to design/functionality suggestions, but we cannot offer tech support to those who are not proficient in Excel.
Included are a few example pages to take you from a basic shape such as a square, rectangle or trapezoid to a more complex pattern such as a tunic or dress. If you can use these templates and have familiarity with Excel, you can create more patterns based on other shapes.
**We suggest using the WORKSHEET PAGES and keeping the examples for reference or backup in case the formulas get overwritten on the worksheet. That way you can COPY the EXAMPLE PAGE and work from it, or use that copy to play with your own modifications.
Throughout the examples and worksheets, the data you enter is in ORANGE. You will need to know the desired measurements of your finished project, and an estimate for the shrinkage rate. The shrinkage rate estimate can come from your own tests using the same fiber, layout and felting process -- or be a "best guess" based on your experience with those fibers.
We have included a section on each page to enter measurements from your finished project and show the shrinkage rate for each point of measure. These are often not the same and may vary due to fibers, fabrics, embellishments, direction fiber was laid out, and fulling methods.
**This document is Copyright 2017 Marie Spaulding
Class Now Online Shrinkage Calculator
We held this class on 09/21/17 and recorded it for those who could not attend but would like a little more insight into using the tool.
View the class
here (in our Facebook group)
This tool is designed to help create patterns and document shrinkage of wet felted pieces made with or without a resist.