Nuno Felting Tutorial: DIY Nuno Felt Pillows
Beginner Nuno Felting Tutorial - DIY Nuno Felt Pillows
If you are new to wet felting and want to learn how to nuno felt, this beginner tutorial is a fun and easy project to start with!
In this lesson, we take a straight forward approach to a beginning project in nuno felting. Join Marie as she shares the basic steps and simple supplies to nuno felt your own home textiles or fabrics for sewing.
In this project, we will nuno felt pillow faces that can be sewn on to fabric. You can also turn your fabric into a table runner, wall hanging, journal cover, and more!
The design for these pillows is intentionally simple so anyone can make them!
We all like to personalize our living spaces, and these one of a kind, diy nuno felt pillows will help make your room feel artful, cozy, and uniquely you!
Free written instructions and a supply list are available here!