#feltnightowl This free tutorial will air on our live show Wooly Wednesday
Join us on Wednesday September 4th @ 2pm Central on www.fb.com/livingfelt

felt night owl

includes patterns for making your own resist and supplies list


1.5-2oz Merino Short Fiber Batts in White or Light Color (or Merino Top)

 MC-1 Felting Batts in a variety of colors for owl face/decoration

(your preference of thin, thick or small bubble wrap - we used our thick resist)

Mesh or Plastic as a barrier

Water and Towels

Felting Needles 42 Triangle or 40 Triangle or 38 Star

Earth Harmony Needle Felting Foam size 5x5 or smaller (must fit inside owl)

Lamp base . You can use an old salt lamp base, an Ikea night light works great because the decorative top comes off, or a lamp base kit

Large paper such as Butcher Paper for tracing out the template pattern

**IF you do not wish for this to be a night light, it would also

make a wonderful stuffed toy.

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